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Two-Day Workshop to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the paper on dynamical maps by E.C.G. Sudarshan, P.M. Mathews and J. Rau
October 14 – 15, 2021
Ennackal Chandy George Sudarshan
(1931 – 2018)
P.M. Mathews
Jayaseetha Rau
The most general dynamical equation of an open quantum system was addressed in a remarkable paper (Phys. Rev.121, 920 (1961)) by Sudarshan, Mathews, and Rau (SMR) entitled “Stochastic Dynamics of Quantum Mechanical Systems”.
The paper introduced the notion of a dynamical matrix, associated with any quantum map. Positivity of this Hermitian matrix implies that the corresponding map is completely positive. However, the paper did not receive enough attention from the community, as the notion of complete positivity was not yet introduced.
The workshop, organised by NitheCS and the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Jagiellonian University (IFT UJ), aims to celebrate the 60th anniversary of this fundamental paper and is devoted to new frontiers in the research in open quantum systems and entanglement.
- Dr Vinayak Jagadish (Jagiellonian University, Poland)
- Prof Francesco Petruccione (UKZN, South Africa)
- Prof Karol Życzkowski (Jagiellonian University, Poland)
Guests of Honour
- Prof P.M. Mathews
- Prof Jayaseetha Rau
Thursday, 14 October 2021
(Central European Time: GMT+2)
15.00-15.05 | Karol Zyczkowski (Kraków, Poland) Opening Address VIEW TALK | DOWNLOAD SLIDES |
15.05-15.40 |
Guests of Honour:
15.40-16.10 | Saverio Pascazio (Bari, Italy) The dynamics of quantum mechanical systems VIEW TALK | DOWNLOAD SLIDES |
16.15-16.45 | Arul Lakshminarayan (Chennai, India) Dual and multi-unitary operators, from entanglement to many-body physics, as a legacy of the SMR paper VIEW TALK | DOWNLOAD SLIDES |
16.50-17.10 | —COFFEE BREAK— |
17.10-17.40 | Adrián A. Budini (Bariloche, Argentina) Memory effects and bidirectional information flows: an approach from Past-Future Correlations VIEW TALK | DOWNLOAD SLIDES |
17.45-18.15 | Fabio Benatti (Trieste, Italy) Open spin chain asymptotic states VIEW TALK | DOWNLOAD SLIDES |
18.20-18.50 | A. R. P. Rau (Baton Rouge, USA) Geometries and Constructions of Dynamical Maps including Dissipation VIEW TALK | DOWNLOAD SLIDES |
Friday, 15 October 2021
(Central European Time: GMT+2)
11.00-11.30 | Daniel Burgarth (New South Wales, Australia) The Quantum Zeno Effect and its applications in Quantum Control VIEW TALK | DOWNLOAD SLIDES |
11.35-12.05 | Dariusz Chruscinski (Torun, Poland) Universal constraint for relaxation rates of quantum dynamical semigroups I: A physical manifestation of complete positivity VIEW TALK | DOWNLOAD SLIDES |
12.10-12.40 | Gen Kimura (Saitama, Japan) Universal constraint for relaxation rates of quantum dynamical semigroups II: Based on r-function approach VIEW TALK | DOWNLOAD SLIDES |
12.45-14.00 | —LUNCH BREAK— |
14.00-14.30 | Sabrina Maniscalco (Helsinki, Finland) Learning to measure: A new adaptive approach to extract information in quantum algorithms for near-term quantum computers VIEW TALK |
14.35-15.05 | Jyrki Piilo (Turku, Finland) Quantum jumps and rate operators in open quantum system dynamics DOWNLOAD SLIDES |
15.10-15.40 | Sergey N. Filippov (Moscow, Russia) Trace decreasing dynamical maps: Entanglement dynamics and quantum communication rate VIEW TALK | DOWNLOAD SLIDES |
15.45-16.00 | Francesco Petruccione (Durban, South Africa) and Karol Życzkowski (Cracow, Poland) Closing Remarks VIEW TALK |