NITheCS hosts Carpentries workshops to empower researchers through training to be more efficient and effective in their work.

The Carpentries is a non-profit organisation that teaches basic coding and data science skills to researchers. The focus is on reproducibility and collaboration.

Training workshops cover topics like software development, version control and data management using open-source tools. These include Git, Jupyter, Python and R.


In 2022, NITheCS hosted X Carpentries workshops, including a workshop to train Trainers. Several early career researchers and postgraduate students were trained.



External bodies

  1. 2 Simple
  2. African School of Physics
  3. AIFMRM (Risk Management and Quantitative Finance)
  4. APS American Physical Society
  5. ARM Machine Learning Solutions
  6. Astrophysics Research Centre UKZN
  7. Careers toolbox
  8. Computer Science courses with video lectures
  9. Cortex Hub
  10. Data Science | SU LaunchLab
  11. Department of Science and Innovation (DSI)
  12. EDTP Seta
  13. Eskom Expo for Young Scientists
  14. Forum on International Physics
  15. GitHub
  16. IBM SkillsBuild
  17. IEEE Reach
  18. Institute of Mine Seismology
  19. IOP Institute of Physics
  20. Kavli
  21. KITP
  22. Machine Learning and Data Science Africa Network
  23. Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics (MITP)
  24. Mathematics: Dr Cerene Rathilal’s (UJ) YouTube channel
  25. NASSP National Astrophysics and Space Science Programme
  26. National Graduate Academy for Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  27. National Research Foundation (NRF)
  28. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
  29. Quantum@SUN
  30. Research Software & Systems Engineers of Africa (
  31. Software Sustainability Institute
  32. South African Institute of Physics (SAIP)
  33. South African Mathematics Foundation (SAMF)
  34. StoryEngine
  35. Study in Holland
  36. SU School for Data Science and Computational Thinking
  37. Talarify
  38. The Carpentries
  39. The Open Source Data Science Masters
  40. Udacity
  41. UKZN Centre for Quantum Technology
  42. Wisaarkhu
  43. Yin-Zhe Ma’s web pages:
    1. ARC Astrophysics Research Centre
    2. Presentation: Research in the ‘missing baryons’ problem
    3. Presentation: ‘The puzzle of Hubble constant: a holographic Universe solution’
    4. Publications
    5. School of Chemistry and Physics
  44. XPrize
  45. ZA Bursaries

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