Summer School and other events

Dear Associates and Friends of NITheCS,

As the year moves on, our calendar is also filling up with thought-provoking colloquia and mini-schools. Among others we will be celebrating the International Day of Mathematics (IDM) this Saturday 19 March. The webinar will be held from 09h00 – 11h00 and is an online programme for high school and undergraduate students to celebrate the IDM. The media release can be viewed here.

We are grateful to look back on a very successful CHPC NITheCS 2022 Summer School: the 12th CHPC Introductory Programming School and the 4th NITheCS Summer School on the Foundations of Theoretical and Computational Science, which took place from 31 January to 25 February 2022. Our congratulations go to the book prize winners. It has been gratifying to read their comments and we have included some of their feedback in this newsletter.

I would like to thank the lecturers, organising committee, students and everyone involved in making this edition of the CHPC NITheCS Summer School a highlight once again. The School was bigger and more impactful, and we very much look forward to expanding the School even more in 2023. A number of spin-offs have come about and requests for extra topics from students will be implemented into the School next year.

I am glad to announce that NITheCS will be sponsoring one of the online heats in the FameLab science communication event for 2022. FameLab has been run in South Africa since 2013 and has grown science communication and media skills among hundreds of young scientists and researchers aged 21 to 35 in the fields of science, technology, engineering and maths. The winner of the national final will represent South Africa at the international FameLab final.

A few reminders:

The courses for the South African Theory and Computational School (SATACS) continue. Please find more information in our March newsletter.

We include information about our events below, but you can also find further information on upcoming events and past events on our website.

Wishing you a good month ahead!
Francesco Petruccione