First formulated as the South African Theory School (SATS) in 2021, SATACS is a NITheCS initiative. It is  a decentralised, semi-virtual, national teaching programme at postgraduate level, supplemented by bridging courses. The aim is to ‘provide teaching of the highest quality and at a level similar to that of elite postgraduate programmes around the world,’ comments Prof W A Horowitz, Director of SATACS.

He continues: ‘There’s no charge for participating, but numbers may be limited, and we expect an investment of time and effort from students who attend. Courses include regular exercises and an exam or assignment at the end. Because each course should correspond to an equivalent course taught in person at a South African institution of higher education, courses may have prerequisites, and we require that each student has the support of their supervisor for their attendance.’

The Interim Director of NITheCS, Prof Francesco Petruccione, adds: ‘The courses offer valuable opportunities and we are proud to include them in the range of offerings provided or supported by NITheCS to further local expertise.’

Students who wish to participate should act soon, as some of the courses start later this semester. The remaining courses start in the second semester.

More details are available here, or e-mail satacs @