Dear Associates and extended NITheCS family,
With Spring having arrived after a stormy winter, we are looking forward to a number of events in addition to our own regular colloquia and mini-schools.
One of the events is the AI Expo (2 – 3 November) at the Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg. NITheCS will be there and we hope to see you at our stand. If you have not yet purchased a ticket to the expo and would like to attend, read our newsletter to see how to enter our giveaway, and you may receive one of 10 free tickets in our lucky draw.
Our October Mini-school focuses on ‘Research Software Engineering as an exciting career and a critical component of the research ecosystem’. We also have two Spring Schools coming up soon, namely ‘Theoretical and Computational Foundations of Quantum Technologies’ from 24 to 28 October, and ‘Symmetries of Differential & Difference Equations and Their Applications’ from 25 to 27 October.
Lastly, we again invite all our Associates to suggest topics for talks, colloquia and mini-schools. You may also showcase your own research and insights as presenters at these events. Please contact in this regard.
We hope to welcome many of you at our events during October and wish you a successful month ahead.
Warm regards,
Francesco Petruccione