NITheCS operates in an independent environment, with Stellenbosch University providing administrative support. This is critical in the South African (and African) context to ensure non-alliance with a particular institution and to develop an independent identity.
The governance system of NITheCS is that of a national Centre of Excellence (CoE), which is subject to the notarisation of a binding contract between the granter, the National Research Foundation (NRF), and the grantee, namely Stellenbosch University.
The NITheCS management committee comprises:
- Director: Francesco Petruccione (Stellenbosch University)
- Head of Node – Gauteng: Joao Rodrigues (University of the Witwatersrand)
- Head of Node – KwaZulu-Natal: Sunil Maharaj (University of KwaZulu-Natal)
- Head of Node – Western Cape: William Horowitz (University of Cape Town)
- Head of Node – Eastern Cape & Free State: Azwinndini Muronga (Nelson Mandela University)
- Head of Node – North: Du Toit Strauss (North-West University)
- Associate Representative: Zurab Janelidze (Stellenbosch University)
- Mary-Jane Bopape (National Research Foundation – South African Environmental Observation Network)
- Sekazi Mtingwa (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
- Adrian Mulholland (University of Bristol)
- Petros Ntoahae (University of Limpopo)
- Daya Reddy (University of Cape Town)
- Spenta Wadia (International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, India)
- Scott Woodley (University College London)