Watch this page for opportunities for students from external bodies. These include bursaries, scholarships, funding and postdoctoral positions for students in the theoretical and computational sciences community. If you have a student opportunity that you would like to publish here, please email it to us.

PhD Fellowships at the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), Italy

Application deadline: 17 February 2025

SISSA welcomes applications for fully funded PhD fellowships in Theoretical Particle Physics, commencing in October 2025 with a four year duration. Selected candidates will be invited for an online interview


PhD Position: Spaceborne quantum communication, at TESAT in Stuttgart, Germany

Application deadline: apply soonest

Tesat-Spacecom (TESAT) is offering a fully-funded PhD position in the field of free-space optical quantum communication, focusing on multi-user space/aerial QKD network architecture design based on trusted nodes. This position is part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Network “FOCAL”. The selected candidate will receive academic supervision from Dr Christian Deppe and will be enrolled in the PhD programme at the Technical University Braunschweig (TUBS).

Applicants must hold a Master’s Degree in physics, mathematics, photonics engineering, communications engineering or other related STEM fields. They must understand the concepts of quantum physics, in particular, quantum optics. Applicants must be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers, and must not have been awarded a PhD degree. Applicants of any nationality are eligible, but they must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Germany for more than one year in the past three years.


Green-Stem Student Mobility Programme

Application deadline: 30 December 2024

Full mobility scholarships are available for Masters and PhD programmes in STEM and related fields at partner institutions, including the University of the Witwatersrand. Applicants should be female students, of African nationality and residence and from GREEN-STEM and AFRETEC Universities.


Summer Internship Opportunity at Structured Light Lab

Application deadline: 3 December 2024

The internship will take place at the Structured Light Laboratory at the University of the Witwatersrand from 10 January 2025 to 4 February 2025. Applications are invited from 4th year, Honours and prospective MSc students.


Postdoctoral fellowship in computational high energy physics at the University of the Witwatersrand (WITS)

Application deadline: 29 November 2024

WITS is offering postdoctoral fellowships through a competitive selection process and, in this call, is seeking a candidate with a doctoral degree completed no earlier than 2020. The ideal candidate should have a background in experimental high-energy physics and computing, although those with expertise in related fields with an interest in experimental particle physics will also be considered. The successful candidate will join the ATLAS experiment and travel to CERN, supported by the SA-CERN consortium. Research focus areas include dark matter searches in novel final states, anomaly detection, and improving Monte Carlo-based simulation programmes. A special emphasis will be placed on developing sustainable computing methods for particle physics.

To ensure adequate time to prepare applications for the WITS deadline of 6 December, expressions of interest should be submitted as soon as possible, and by 29 November latest. Please email your CV and a brief paragraph explaining your interest to


Postdoctoral Fellowship in AI Systems at the University of Cape Town (UCT)

Application deadline: 29 November 2024

The AI Research Unit (AIRU) at UCT is looking to recruit an outstanding researcher to take up a postdoctoral fellowship in AI Systems. The position is attached to the DSI-NRF/UCT SARChI Chair in Artificial Intelligence (AI) Systems hosted in the unit. The Chair conducts research on generic architectures and frameworks for human-centred AI systems with applications in health and wellbeing, earth observation, energy and finance. The researcher will work primarily under the supervision of the Chair holder, A/Prof Deshen Moodley, on projects related to the Chair. The researcher will interact with a diverse team of applied and theoretical researchers across AIRU’s local and international research network, with opportunities to undertake short research visits to AIRU’s collaborators based in Europe.

The value of the fellowship is between R 380 000 and R 420 000 per annum. The position is a full-time position based in Cape Town, and is tenable for two years initially for one year and renewable for a second year. Applicants must have completed their doctoral study in the last five years and may not previously have held full-time academic posts. Applicants will be expected to have an outstanding profile in Computer Science or allied disciplines, with evidence of interest and an ability to undertake research in the above-mentioned field. Applicants with PhDs in Mathematics or Physics with experience in machine learning are particularly encouraged to apply.


Postdoctoral Fellowship in AI Systems for Neuroscience at the University of Cape Town (UCT)

Application deadline: 26 November 2024

A postdoctoral position is being offered as part of the ALMA Deltas II project led by Prof Kirsty Donald, Deputy Director of UCT’s Neuroscience Institute. The project will explore various AI techniques, including deep neural networks, knowledge graphs, ontologies and Bayesian networks to develop novel hybrid AI mechanisms for continual learning, causal reconstruction and interactive scientific knowledge discovery for brain development in early childhood and more broadly in neuroscience.

The value of the fellowship is R 380 000 per annum. The position is a full-time in-person position based in Cape Town tenable for two years initially for one year and renewable for a second year. Applicants must have completed their doctoral study in the last five years. Applicants may not previously have held full-time academic posts. Applicants are expected to have an outstanding profile in Computer Science or Computational Neuroscience or a related discipline.


AIMS – Master’s in Mathematical Sciences

Application deadline: 15 November 2024

AIMS is offering full scholarships covering tuition, accommodation, travel and medical aid to all students accepted for the January 2025 intake. Applicants should be South Africans who hold an Honours Degree or 4-year degree in any discipline with a significant mathematics component. Students may apply with first-semester Honours marks. Masters degrees are awarded by the Universities of Cape Town, the Western Cape and Stellenbosch.


2025 Teaching Fellows, Perimeter Institute, Canada

Application deadline: 8 November 2024

Perimeter Institute is currently accepting applications for two Teaching Fellows to join their academic staff in support of their education and training mandates for the 2025-2026 academic year. This position will be offered as a 3-year fellowship to commence August 2025, though exceptional candidates may be considered directly for permanent teaching faculty positions. Monetary support in the form of an annual research fund will be provided and active participation in ongoing research related activities at Perimeter will be encouraged.


Shuttleworth Postgraduate Scholarships 

Application deadline: 31 October 2024

The Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics of the University of Cape Town is offering Shuttleworth Postgraduate Scholarships (MSc & PhD levels only) to highly motivated black South African students, who aspire to become academics.


MSc and PhD scholarships, and postdoctoral positions – SACEMA, Stellenbosch University

Application deadline: 31 October 2024

The South African Centre for Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis (SACEMA), within the Centre for Epidemic Response and Innovation (CERI) at Stellenbosch University, invites applications for MSc, PhD, and Postdoctoral positions in infectious disease epidemiological modelling. SACEMA seeks individuals with a strong background in quantitative sciences, including Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Computer Science, Epidemiology, etc., to join its innovative research projects.


2025 SARB Master’s in Data Science and Machine Learning Scholarship

Application deadline: 31 October 2024

The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) is offering a full scholarship for students who wish to pursue a Master’s degree in Data Science and Machine Learning in the 2025 academic year.


3-year, fully-funded PhD:  Infectious disease epidemiological modelling – Johannesburg

Application deadline: 22 October 2024

The Centre for Respiratory Diseases and Meningitis (CRDM) at the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD), has been awarded a grant by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to focus on building capacity for public health modelling in Africa, using multi-pathogen serosurveillance data to inform immunisation programmes and policies.

The successful candidate will develop computational tools and methods for multiplexed serological data to derive epidemiological insights. You will work within a newly established African modelling network, collaborating with researchers across Africa.

To apply, you need to be a South African with an MSc in Mathematics, Statistics, Biostatistics, Data Science, Computational Science, Engineering, or a related field with substantial mathematical content and have strong programming skills (e.g., R or Python) and experience with GitHub. Experience in infectious disease modelling or epidemiology is advantageous.

MORE INFO  |  PDF poster

Vacancy: Postgraduate Research Fellow at the CRDM, Johannesburg

Application deadline: 30 September 2024

The Centre for Respiratory Diseases and Meningitis (CRDM) at the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) invites South African citizens to apply to join the NICD in Johannesburg to complete a 3-year (full time) fully-funded PhD, registered at WITS, with primary supervisors/mentors located at the NICD (CRDM). The candidate will work on a project that aims to build capacity for public health modelling in Africa for integrated multi-pathogen serosurveillance data through collaboration, scientific exchange and mentorship. Applicants must have an MSc degree and meet other requirements.


Postdoctoral Fellowship for 2024/2025 in the Astrophysics Research Group at Stellenbosch University

Application deadline: 15 September 2024

The Astrophysics Research Group in the Physics Department at Stellenbosch University invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship, starting in October 2024 or shortly thereafter. The fellowship is ZAR 300k (tax-free) for one year (12 months), supplemented with a once-off relocation coverage, a once-off equipment grant and a limited travel allowance. The minimum requirements to apply include holding a PhD in astronomy, physics, or a related field (graduated within the last 5 years). Significant computational and data analysis skills are preferred.


Call for Applications for the National Astrophysics and Space Science
Programme (NASSP) Honours Degree 2025

Application deadline: 12 September 2024

Applications for the NASSP Honours programme are now open to students who have graduated, or will graduate by the end of 2024, with a BSc degree in one or more of the following fields: Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, or Cosmology. Applicants must have also completed Physics and Mathematics/Applied Mathematics at least up to second-year level. Successful candidates will receive full-cost bursaries for their studies at one of the NASSP nodes (UKZN, UCT or NWU), covering their Honours degree through to the completion of their Master’s degree. The Master’s thesis can be completed at any NASSP node or partnering university in South Africa, provided the project aligns with one of the aforementioned fields.


Postgraduate scholarships for 2025 from MUST Deep Learning

Application deadline: 1 September 2024

MUST Deep Learning, a distributed research group in machine learning, based at the Faculty of Engineering at North-West University and with a satellite research lab in Hermanus, is offering postgraduate scholarships for 2025.


  • To apply for a Masters scholarship (R165 000 p.a.): You should have completed or be in the final year of a relevant undergraduate degree (e.g. BEng, BSc) and have a solid mathematical background.
  • To apply for a PhD scholarship (R190 000 p.a.): You should be have, or have met the requirements for a Master’s degree in a relevant field (eg computer and electronic engineering, computer science etc)


DSI-NRF Postgraduate Student Funding for the 2025 Academic Year

The DSI and NRF have called for new applications for DSI-NRF Postgraduate Student Funding for the academic year 2025. (All continuing students who are eligible for a second or third year of funding must submit a Progress Report and not a new application.)


Further info:

12 x Postdoctoral Positions and Fellowships at African SKA Partner Country Institutions

Application deadline: 21 July 2024

The Development in Africa with Radio Astronomy (DARA) project will fund up to 12 post-doctoral Fellowship positions in universities and institutions located in the SKA African Partner Countries (APCs). The APCs are Ghana, Kenya, Zambia, Namibia, Botswana, Madagascar, Mozambique and Mauritius. The duration of the positions and fellowships is until 31 March 2027.


Postgraduate Scholarships in the High Energy Physics, Cosmology & Astrophysics Theory (HEPCAT) group at the University of Cape Town (UCT)

Application deadline: 2 July 2024

The HEPCAT group at UCT is offering postgraduate scholarships, funded by the South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI) of the National Research Foundation for 2025. Academically excellent students who have completed/are completing an undergraduate or Honours/Masters Degree, which is relevant to the focus areas for 2025, may apply. While preference will be given to South African citizens and permanent residents, exceptional foreign students who can bring a unique skill to the group will also be considered, provided they are registered at UCT on a full-time basis.


Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, Centre for Multi-dimensional Data Visualisation (MuViSU) at Stellenbosch University (SU)

Application deadline: 30 June 2024

The Centre for Multi-dimensional Data Visualisation (MuViSU) and the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science
are excited to offer a unique opportunity for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to work on a stimulating project focusing
on machine learning for compositional data. This role is perfectly suited for an enthusiastic individual keen to make
significant contributions to the field of machine learning, and in applying these techniques to address critical
environmental issues in South Africa.


PhD scholarships in Physics and Astronomy at the University of Florence, Italy 

Deadline for completion of application: 13 June 2024 at 12h00 SAST (it is recommended that the application process be started well in advance so that it will be concluded by the deadline).

Projects may be written in Italian or English and must outline a possible research activity to be carried out within one of the research groups in the Department of Physics and Astronomy or the linked Research Institutions.

Candidates may present the same project for the standard scholarship and for any scholarship on offer at the university, with the specific research topic and separate ranking lists he/she intends to apply for, or may present different projects for each scholarship, indicating clearly to which scholarship each project refers.

Prof Fabio Cinti will be supervising the research project, ‘Numerical simulations of many-body systems and magnetic molecules‘. For more information on this specific project, please email him.


Postdoctoral fellowship in Mathematics at the University of KwaZulu-Natal 

Application deadline: 5 June 2024

The School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science seeks to appoint a postdoctoral fellow in Mathematics to join the UKZN Topology research group and work at the intersection of Pointfree Topology, Category Theory and Gravitation Theory. The postdoctoral fellow will work with the Mathematical Structures and Modelling Research programme to establish new bridges between several disciplines across physics, algebra and logic, primarily working with Grothendieck constructions. We are looking for an incumbent to work closely with the research group and assist with the supervision of postgraduate activities at UKZN.

The successful applicant will be expected to engage in full-time postdoctoral studies under the supervision of a member or members of the academic staff in Mathematics.


Postdoctoral Research Fellowship – mathematical and theoretical physical biosciences – Stellenbosch University

Application deadline: This call remains open until filled.

Project Title: Eco-evolutionary modelling of biodiversity changes in open adaptive communities.

Scope of Research: This project aims to use mathematical and statistical tools to monitor and predict the dynamics and patterns of community transitions when facing cross-scale stressors, such as habitat loss, biological invasions, and climate change. It brings together advanced mathematical models and statistical methods with real biodiversity data to create in-depth understanding of how ecological communities and interaction networks assemble and operate in changing environments.

The research is part of the South African Research Chair (SARChI) research programme in mathematical and theoretical physical biosciences. The postdoctoral candidate will have the opportunity to work within an interdisciplinary SARChI team ( and


Postdoctoral Fellowship – Division of Neurology, Stellenbosch University

Application deadline: 15 May 2024

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Fellowship hosted at the Division of Neurology, Stellenbosch University, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. The successful applicant will conduct research on the genetic characterization of an inherited neuromuscular diseases (NMD) cohort utilizing next generation sequencing (NGS) data.

The project is a sub-study of the recently established ICGNMD, which is an ongoing multinational project aimed at creating a well-characterized, genotype-phenotype correlated inherited NMD cohort that is therapeutic trial ready. To achieve this, the research conducted by the successful applicant will aim to establish a whole exome sequencing-based diagnostic algorithm applicable to the South African context, incorporating in silico panels, unbiased review of WES data, and the use of structural variant (SV) detection tools.

As the project is on genetic diseases, a fairly good knowledge of genetic principles and testing is required, but no medical/clinical knowledge is needed.


Postdoctoral Research Fellowship – MuViSU project – Stellenbosch University

Application deadline: 3 May 2024

The Centre for Multi-dimensional Data Visualisation (MuViSU) and the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science are excited to offer a unique opportunity for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to work on a stimulating project focusing on machine learning for compositional data. This role is suited for an individual keen to make significant contributions to the field of machine learning, and in applying these techniques to address critical environmental issues in South Africa.

This two-year fellowship starts on 27 May 2024 (or as soon as possible thereafter). The annual fellowship amount is R300 000 per year.


MSc and PhD bursary from AT AIMS

Application deadline: 30 April 2024

AT AIMS has one MSc and one PhD bursary in algebra (pure or algebraic biology) or topology for South African candidates to join their research team.

The aim is to produce high quality research in algebra, algebraic biology and topology and connect people who are interested in these areas. In short, the aim is to get people excited about topology and algebra.

Successful students will be registered at the institution affiliated with each lead. The tenure of the bursaries is 2 years for MSc and 3 years for PhD.


Postdoctoral position at NITheCS Stellenbosch hub: Africa Europe CoRE-AI

Application deadline: 23 April 2024

NITheCS seeks an enthusiastic, highly motivated and organised postdoctoral fellow to join our multidisciplinary team for 1 year from 1 May 2024 (renewable upon sufficient funding) as we spearhead the Africa Europe Cluster of Research Excellence (CoRE-AI).

Africa Europe CoRE-AI is dedicated to addressing global and African challenges by applying AI, Data Science, and Theoretical and Computational Thinking. Our mission is to contribute significantly to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals by addressing critical issues such as climate change, food security, education, public health, and social justice.

As a postdoctoral fellow, you will engage deeply within the CoRE-AI ecosystem, involving yourself in project coordination, management, funding acquisition, and rigorous data analysis.

To apply, you will need a PhD in Artificial Intelligence, Data Science or Theoretical and Computational Science or a related field, obtained within the last 5 years. Click on the link below to view the additional criteria.


NITheCS Postdoctoral Fellowship 

Application reviews begin: 15 April 2024

The Stellenbosch hub of the South African National Institute for Theoretical and Computational Sciences (NITheCS) has postdoctoral vacancies available in any of the 8 themes of NITheCS. The fellowship will be awarded within the structure of Stellenbosch University on a one-year basis, with the possibility of renewal for one additional year. Commencement is on 1 May 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter. To apply, you will need a doctorate of high standing in a field relevant to at least one of the 8 NITheCS themes.


Postdoctoral Research Fellowship – Stellenbosch University

Application deadline: 12 April 2024

The Department of Chemistry & Polymer Science would like to appoint a student who has graduated with a PhD within the last five years. The successful candidate will have experience in computational chemistry, in particular experience with molecular docking and/or modelling metal complexes. A bursary valued at R250,000 per annum is available and the duration of the fellowship is 1 year.


PhD student position: theoretical particle/nuclear physics in Finland

Application deadline: 16 March 2024

The QCD theory group at the Department of Physics of the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, has an opening for a fully funded PhD student position starting in August/September 2024. Our main research interests are small-x physics, out-of-equilibrium field theory, parton distributions and perturbative QCD processes, Monte-Carlo event generator development, hard and electromagnetic probes and hydrodynamical modeling of heavy ion. The position filled in this call is focused on small-x physics/high energy QCD.

The successful candidate will also join the Centre of Excellence in Quark Matter granted by the Research Council of Finland to our local QCD-theory and ALICE groups.

Interested applicants should send their CV, transcript of study records (unofficial English translation) and a motivation letter directly to (CC: Alternatively, you can arrange for 1-3 letters of recommendation to be emailed to the same addresses.

The applicant must also be accepted as a doctoral student to the doctoral school of the University of Jyväskylä. Application to the doctoral school will be prepared together with the selected candidate. For more information about the application procedure, as well as the official language requirements, click here. For the position a master’s degree certificate must be sent to the University of Jyväskylä by July 31, 2024.

Info about the University of Jyväskylä and Finland

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Experimental Nuclear, Particle, and Hadronic Physics at the University of Connecticut, USA

Application deadline: The position is available to be filled immediately. Preference will be given to candidates who can start on or before 12 July 2024.

The University of Connecticut Particle and Nuclear Physics Group in the USA invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Associate in support of our efforts within the Super BigBite Spectrometer (SBS) Collaboration in Jefferson Lab’s Experimental Hall A in Newport News, VA, led by Prof Andrew Puckett.

The research is focused on precision studies of nucleon and nuclear structure at large momentum transfers in medium-energy electron-nucleus scattering. The SBS is a collection of apparatus designed for the study of high-momentum transfer (Q2) two-particle coincidence reactions at the highest luminosities that Jefferson Lab’s Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) is capable of delivering.


PhD and Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Centre for Epidemic Response and Innovation (CERI)

Application deadline: 1 March 2024

The Population Health Innovation program at the Centre for Epidemic Response and Innovation (CERI) uses a precision public health approach to design and test interventions to improve population health in Africa. We are currently seeking to employ outstanding postdoctoral and PhD researchers to undertake cutting-edge research. Fellows will be awarded a well-paid tax-free fellowship for up to 3 years.


Doctoral Scholarship from Nature4Nature at Stellenbosch University

Application deadline: 29 February 2024

Within the frame of EU-funded MSCA Doctoral Networks project Nature4Nature, the Department of Physics at Stellenbosch University is looking for a candidate for a full-time doctoral scholarship on the topic: ‘Towards a rapid and efficient pipeline for the digitization of natural history specimens for bioinspired design: An integrated tomographic, additive manufacturing, and modelling-based approach’.

The topic involves biomimetic / bio-enhanced engineering design, making use of inputs from micro computed tomography data of natural structures and transferring this to simulation and design in an efficient way. This involves also machine learning as part of the image analysis process.

Applicants must have completed a masters degree in the fields of Physics or Engineering and must not have been a resident in South Africa in the last two years. Please view the additional criteria in the link below.


Open PhD position at University of Strasbourg, France

Title: Optimally Controlled Quantum Information Processing on Single-Molecule Magnets
Application deadline: position to be filled soonest

A highly motivated candidate with a Master’s degree in theoretical physics is sought to fill this 3-year position. A strong background in quantum mechanics and computer simulations is required. Experience in molecular physics would be strongly appreciated. The candidate will have to collaborate cross-border and in a multidisciplinary context with partners working in quantum chemistry, materials chemistry and applied mathematics. Proficiency in English is required and the candidate needs a good knowledge of Python and/or Mathematica and/or Matlab, as well as linear algebra and quantum mechanics (ideally, but not strictly required, density matrix formalism and Liouville equations).


2024 JSA/HUGS International Fellowship for Graduate Students in Developing Countries

Application deadline: 20 January 2024

The 2024 Hampton University Graduate Summer (HUGS) program is a summer school held in Virginia, USA, for experimental and theoretical nuclear and particle physics graduate students who have finished their coursework and have at least one year of research experience in these fields. The school focuses on topics of contemporary interest in strong interactions physics, and will run during June 2024.

The fellowship can support the participation of up to two graduate students who are well into their PhD dissertation research project to the 2024 HUGS program. Students with research interests aligned with Jefferson Lab goals, and interested in collaborative work with Jefferson Lab staff and users, will be given priority. The fellowship will cover travel expenses, room and board. A visit of 1 or 2 weeks to Jefferson Lab in Virginia may also be possible.


2024 SA-CERN Programme: Excellence MSc/PhD Bursary

Application deadline: 22 December 2023

The SA-CERN Programme seeks outstanding individuals to support their MSc or PhD studies in research related to the CERN facility. It will provide the full cost of study support for the 2024 academic year for the duration of studies of successful individuals. This includes sponsorship of research trips to CERN aligned with the projects of selected students. The bursary is eligible only to those starting their MSc or PhD studies.


​Postdoctoral research positions in Computational Materials Science – University of South Africa (UNISA)

Application deadline: 11 December 2023

Applications are invited for two Postdoctoral Fellowship research positions in Computational Materials Science in the High Performance Computing research group led by Prof Enrico Lombardi at UNISA.

The postdoctoral researchers will pursue novel research in computational materials science to understand microscopic mechanisms underlying the properties of materials. Materials of interest range from two-dimensional solids to crystalline semiconducting materials. We are particularly interested in wide bandgap semiconductors such as diamond and, Ga2O3, etc., as well as heterostructures formed by van der Waals layered solids including their applications in spintronics, optoelectronics, energy, and gas sensing, amongst others. Density Functional Theory and its various extensions are the main computational approach. Since there are plethora of potential materials for these applications, high-throughput calculations (i.e., involving large amount of data) to screen materials may be necessary. Analysis of data may require knowledge of, and application of machine learning, data science or statistical techniques. Ultimately, the research will focus on the understanding of the behaviour of defects in these materials, and optimize the properties (composition, application of external perturbations, such as mechanical, electrical, magnetic, etc.) of selected materials for targeted applications.


Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship – University of Fort Hare

Application deadline: 30 November 2023

A fulltime postdoctoral position is available in the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Agriculture at the University of Fort Hare, Alice Campus. The fellowship will enable an outstanding doctoral graduate to obtain experience in research and innovation at a higher education institution under the mentorship of established researchers. The fellowship is available for a period of one year.


South African Reserve Bank (SARB) Scholarship for Master’s programmes

Application deadline: 30 November 2023

The SARB, in collaboration with the Data Science Academic Committee of the National Graduate Academy for Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (NGA(MaSS)), invites prospective Master’s degree students to apply for competitive SARB bursaries in the fields of Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, with specific reference to financial analytics.


Tomorrow Trust: 2024 Bursary – Honours

Application deadline: 15 November 2023

This comprehensive bursary is for candidates who will start their 1-year Honours degree in 2024. Click on the link below to see the application criteria.


2024 SAINTS Prestigious Masters and Doctoral Scholarships

Application deadline: 30 October 2023

The Southern African Institute for Nuclear Technology and Sciences (SAINTS), a division of iThemba LABS, invites academically outstanding students to apply for Masters and Doctoral scholarships in fields of Science and Engineering to do their research full-time in one of the following fields:

  • basic nuclear physics (study of nuclear reactions, shapes and more),
  • applied nuclear physics (study of radiation effects on matter, environmental radiation, accelerator mass spectrometry and more),
  • materials science (materials characterization),
  • nanoscience (new materials development),
  • radiobiology (studying effects of radiation on the body),
  • radiochemistry (development of novel radioisotopes for use in nuclear medicine and more), and
  • advanced control systems for accelerator components and detector instrumentation (Engineering, Computer science).

View projects and research supervisors.


Shuttleworth Postgraduate Scholarship Programme

Application deadline: 20 October 2023

The Shuttleworth Postgraduate Scholarship aims at training the next generation of black South African pure and applied mathematicians by providing a unique learning programme at one of the leading Centres of Mathematics in Africa. The Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics of the University of Cape Town is offering up to three Shuttleworth Postgraduate Scholarships (Honours, MSc & PhD levels) to highly motivated black South African students who aspire to become academics.

Each Shuttleworth Postgraduate Scholarship has a value of R275 000 per annum to cover fees and living costs. In addition, each scholar will receive annually R26 000 for computer equipment and research travel.


Hugh Kelly Fellowship

Application deadline: 15 October 2023

The Hugh Kelly Fellowship is for a Senior Scholar with a well-established research record. The Fellowship is open to researchers who were awarded their PhDs more than five years ago.

Applications are invited for the year 2024.


Postdoctoral Fellows for 2023/2024 in Astrophysics Research Group, Stellenbosch University

Application deadline: 15 August 2023 (extended to 10 September 2023)

The Astrophysics Research Group in the Physics Department of Stellenbosch University offers several Postdoctoral Fellowships starting September 2023 or soon thereafter.

One position [Ref. SU-HERA-2023] will heavily involve in Hydrogen Epoch Reionization Array (HERA), and work on low-frequency interferometer calibration, high-redshift EoR power spectrum analysis, and cross-correlation technique.

Two positions [Ref. SU-LSST/SKA-2023] will work on preparing science for Vera C. Rubin Observatory (LSST) and Square Kilometre Array, with emphasis on multi-wavelength studies of the large-scale structure and galaxy formation. The research involves developing an analysis method and pipeline for large-scale structure cross-correlation and 21-cm cosmology.


Call for Applications for the National Astrophysics and Space Science Programme (NASSP) Honours for 2024

Application deadline: 31 August 2023

NASSP Honours is open to students who have graduated with a BSc degree Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics or Cosmology with Physics and Mathematics / Applied Mathematics at least up to second year level.

Successful students will be offered bursaries (based on the full cost of study at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, University of Cape Town, or North-West University) from honours degree level to the completion of their Master’s degree. This which may be completed at any NASSP node (UKZN, UCT or NWU) or partnering university in South Africa with a suitable project in one of the fields mentioned above.


NRF-SARAO Postgraduate Bursaries in Astrophysics

Application deadline: 30 June 2023

Are you a postgraduate student in physics, electronics, astronomy, astrophysics or computer science and interested in furthering your postgraduate studies as part of the South Africa Radio Astronomy Observatory’s work with the SKA? If so, you can apply for a bursary through Stellenbosch University (SU). Prof Yin-Zhe Ma, a specialist in astrophysics and cosmology in SU’s Department of Physics, is offering one MSc and two PhD NRF-SARAO bursaries for 2024 on topics that revolve around the large-scale structure of the Universe, Neutron stars and dark matter search, and the epoch of reionization.


Sasol Bursary Programme

Application deadline: 23 May 2023

The Sasol Bursary Programme awards bursaries to both undergraduate and postgraduate students, covering both financial as well as developmental support throughout the study period. Bursaries are awarded for standard degree courses and students must study full time at a recognised and approved standard South African University. The Sasol Foundation also offers an all-inclusive bursary to talented individuals who are planning to study full-time towards an undergraduate degree to pursue STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) careers.


Shoprite bursaries for Data Science studies

Application deadline: 30 April 2023

Shoprite has successfully started its very own Data Science Academy, producing top-level specialists in the field of data science. Successful applicants will join the pipeline for the academy. With a plan to keep this academy growing in the years to come, Shoprite is now looking for university students who have a passion for data and would like to make the data academy their starting point in an exciting career.


Jennifer Ward Oppenheimer (JWO) Research Grant

Application deadline: 24 April 2023

The 2023 JWO grant of $150,000 (USD) will be awarded to a successful applicant to support a research programme of up to three years. The Grant encourages trans-disciplinary research applications that seek solutions to challenges in Africa. Applicants should be (1) early career African scientists, (2) with strong links to a credible (3) African institution, and who are proposing to conduct research on the continent. Applicants must also hold a degree (PhD, equivalent or higher qualification), have no more than seven years of work and/or research experience post-degree (excluding career breaks, including family-related breaks) and meet other criteria.


Grants to attend ICTP Summer School on Particle Physics

Application deadline: 31 March 2023

Date of School: 19-30 June 2023
Venue: ICTP, Trieste, Italy

The School aims to give a detailed overview of particle physics from the basics of Standard Model phenomenology to the most important areas where significant progress has been achieved recently. The School targets PhD students in high energy physics, but qualified MSc students in their last year as well as young postdocs can also apply.

A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants, with priority given to participants from developing countries. Female scientists are encouraged to apply.


Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the University Of The Free State (UFS)

Application deadline: 6 March 2023

The UFS invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. Candidates interested in pursuing an academic or professional career in mathematics are encouraged to apply. We are specifically looking for an applicant that is working in functional analysis, preferably with a specialization in operator semigroups, evolution families and evolution equations. The fellowship will enable an outstanding doctoral graduate to obtain experience of research and innovation at a higher education institution under the mentorship of established researchers.


2023 SA-CERN Programme Excellence MSc/PhD Bursaries

Application deadline: 31 December 2022

The SA-CERN Programme Excellence Bursaries will cover the full cost of study for the 2023 academic year for the duration of studies of successful individuals who are starting their MSc or PhD studies. This includes sponsorship of research trips to CERN aligned with the projects of selected students.

The bursary values per annum are:

  • MSc level: ~R115 000 – 150 000
  • PhD level: ~R102 000 – R177 000.


#YouthLeadSDG14 For Global Climate Action Campaign

Application deadline: 8 December 2022

The Commonwealth Secretary-General and the Commonwealth Youth Climate Change Network (CYCN) have launched a global competition to inspire, empower and reward young people taking action on oceans. They call on young people from across the Commonwealth to unite and take action in the #YouthLeadSDG14 Action Challenge, which will raise awareness of youth-led action on SDG14. Entrants are asked to complete 14 actions as part of the Challenge. Three winning participants will share a cash prize.


Open Call for CyberGirls Fellowship

Application deadline: 4 December 2022

The CyberGirls Fellowship is a free 1-year program that equips girls and women aged 18 – 28 years old with globally sought-after cybersecurity skills. This positions them to start a career in cybersecurity and helps them to seize work opportunities within Africa and across the world.


10 Billion Strong – Green Leaders Academy Program

Application deadline: 30 November 2022

This online program prepares emerging youth leaders to understand key environmental issues and learn how to use civic engagement to effectively address environmental challenges. It is part of a broader initiative led by 10 Billion Strong, which aims to train 1 million green leaders in 36 key countries by 2030. The next Green Leaders Academy will run from 2 December 2022 to 27 January 2023.


Opportunity to clear student debt

Application deadline: 21 November 2022

Students who completed their undergraduate degree in the faculties of Engineering, Data Science, Information Technology or Finance in 2019, 2020 or 2021 and have outstanding student debt may qualify to have this debt settled through the Feenix Graduate Bursary Programme. Click to view the application criteria.

Applicants are kindly requested to acknowledge in the application process that they heard about this opportunity through NITheCS.


SARB bursaries

Application deadline: 31 October 2022

The SARB, in collaboration with the Data Science Academic Committee of the National Graduate Academy for Mathematical and Statistical Sciences – NGA(MaSS), invites prospective Master’s degree students to apply for competitive SARB bursaries in the fields of data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence, with specific reference to financial analytics.


Research Fellow in Quantum Computing

Application deadline: 5 August 2022

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Associate (PDRA) position in the theoretical nuclear physics group at the University of Surrey to work on a research project developing and applying quantum computing algorithms to tackle problems in nuclear structure as part of an STFC-funded Developing Quantum Technologies for Fundamental Physics programme.  The work will involve developing new algorithms and/or applying existing algorithms to solve nuclear models such as the shell model and mean field model, and to look at dynamical processes such as nuclear decay. 


CSIR Bursary Programme for 2023 academic year

Application deadline: 15 July 2022

The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) invites applications from students wishing to pursue a career in research, technology development and innovation, as well as corporate / support areas. The bursary programme is open to academically qualifying young people and aims to attract and increase participation of women and black people in science, engineering and technology.


DSI-NRF Postgraduate Student Funding: call for new applications for 2023 academic year

All continuing students who are eligible for a second or third year of funding must submit a Progress Report and not a new application.


Second Call for Proposals – Early Career Research Collaborations

Application deadline: 30 June 2022

This is the Second Call for Proposals aimed at facilitating research collaborations amongst early career academics/researchers in mathematical sciences. It is open to all early career researchers/academics at member institutions of the National Graduate Academy for Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (NGA(MaSS)).


Scholarships for Udacity Nanodegree programmes

Application deadline: 23 June 2022

The African Leadership Group and Udacity are offering 5 000 scholarships for African citizens wanting to further their careers in tech with new digital skills. The scholarships are for the following programmes: Data Analyst, Full-Stack Web Developer and Cloud Developer


Opportunity for Masters and PhD scholarship within KRISP at UKZN: 2023

Application deadline: 10 June 2022

The KwaZulu-Natal Research Innovation and Sequencing Platform (KRISP), the state of the art UKZN Research Centre has opportunities for Masters and PhD students with great potential and an ambition to pursue a career in research. Successful applicants will become part of a dynamic research team and get hands-on experience in the generation and analysis of genomic, epidemiological and clinical data.


MSc and PhD bursaries at UWC

Application deadline: 6 June 2022

The Centre for Radio Cosmology (CRC) at UWC is offering MSc and PhD bursaries for 2023.


DAAD In-Region scholarships for MSc/PhD study in Mathematics

Application deadline: 3 May 2022

The shortlisting process for the 2023 intake of the Stellenbosch Mathematics Division DAAD In-Region scholarships for MSc or PhD study in Mathematics has now opened. Applicants need to be nationals or permanent residents of a Sub-Saharan African country, excluding South Africa. Female applicants and candidates from less privileged regions or groups are especially encouraged to apply.


Bursaries: Data Science – 2022

Application deadline: 30 April 2022

Shoprite has successfully started its very own Data Science Academy, producing top-level specialists in the field of data science. To keep this academy growing in the years to come, Shoprite is looking for 10 university students who have a passion for data and would like to make the data academy their starting point in an exciting career.


Bursaries: Information Technology / Systems – 2022

Application deadline: 30 April 2022

This bursary aims to attract and fund talented Information Technology / Systems students to join Shoprite Group. Shoprite has successfully started its very own SAP Academy, producing top-level specialists in the field of System Analysis. Successful applicants will join the pipeline for the academy.


Application deadline: 17 April 2022

The Global Student Prize is a US$100,000 award presented to an exceptional student, making a real impact on learning, the lives of their peers and on society beyond. The application and nomination process is now open. 


The Global Student Prize is open to all students who are at least 16 years old and enrolled in an academic institution or training and skills programme. Part time students as well as students enrolled in online courses are also eligible for the prize. The prize is open to students in every kind of school and, subject to local laws, in every country in the world.


Viadrina International Program – for Graduates: opportunity for PhD students

Application deadline: 17 April 2022 (23:59 pm CET)

The Viadrina International Program – for Graduates (VIP), a funding programme for doctoral students, supports the international networking of doctoral candidates and their stronger involvement in international research contexts and discourses. The VIP has remaining funds for the year 2022.

PhD students may therefore apply for Fellowships for Research Stays at the European University Viadrina (up to three months).

FOR FURTHER DETAILS: CLICK HERE or contact Maike Hagen on +49 (0)335 5534 – 2614

Positions in theoretical physics for students and postdocs affected by the crisis in Ukraine

Application deadline: 16 April 2022

Perimeter Institute is offering positions in theoretical physics to final-year undergraduate students, graduate students and postdocs whose study or research has been interrupted by the Ukrainian crisis.

Citizens of all countries can apply for the below positions:

  • Final-year undergraduate students and first-year master’s students will join the 10-month PSI master’s programme, enrolling at the University of Waterloo
  • Current PhD students will work with a Perimeter faculty member for the duration of their stay, typically up to one year
  • Postdocs will join Perimeter’s collaborative and interdisciplinary research environment for up to one year

Positions may begin as soon as May 1, 2022. Start dates will be arranged on an individual basis with selected applicants, and Perimeter will work with all successful applicants to assess funding needs and requirements.

Submissions will be reviewed as they are received. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled.


Scholarship Programme for Young African Researchers: call for applications

Application deadline: 15 April 2022

Young researchers from universities in sub-Saharan Africa can apply to spend a short period of time (generally 1 to 3 months) at a Coimbra Group University to carry out part of their research there.


Applications open for The Geneva Challenge

Deadline: 30 March 2022

The Graduate Institute Geneva is now accepting applications for the Geneva Challenge to stimulate reflection and innovation on development from diverse disciplinary and contextual perspectives.


The idea is to gather contributions that are both theoretically grounded and offer pragmatic solutions to a relevant international development problem stemming from an interdisciplinary collaboration between three to five enrolled master students from anywhere in the world.

Five prizes will be distributed; one in each of the following categories (based on the UN Statistics list):

  • Universities located in Africa
  • Universities located in Asia
  • Universities located in Europe
  • Universities located in North America and Oceania
  • Universities located in South America

Award Information
The ADG contest distributes R410k CHF in monetary prizes. The winning project will be awarded +R165k; the two teams in second place will receive +R82k each and the two teams in third place, +R41k each.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Participants of the ADG contest 2022 must be enrolled as graduate students at the time of their registration for the contest.
    • They consider ‘graduate students” to be anyone enrolled in a post bachelor level university programme with a maximum duration of 2 (two) years, or anyone who can prove to be studying towards acquiring a masters level degree.
  • Participants must gather in teams of 3 (three) to 5 (five) graduate students. In the submitted analysis, they should contribute with an interdisciplinary approach or from at least 2 (two) different disciplinary perspectives.
    • No participation on an individual basis will be admitted.
    • The participants can be enrolled in the same graduate programme or can collaborate with students from other programmes from the university they are enrolled in or coordinate with students from different universities and institutions worldwide.
    • The category in which the team will be placed for the contest will be based on the continent of the universities predominantly represented within the team.
    • In case, there is an equal representation of continents within the team, the team decides in which category they wish to compete.
  • All team members must provide a scanned copy of a document that serves as proof of enrolment as a graduate student before the registration of the team can be confirmed and validated.
    • Any official document issued by the academic institution the student is affiliated to is accepted as proof of enrolment as long as it contains:
      • The name of the student;
      • The programme he/she is enrolled in;
      • An issuance date up to three months before the registration date or
      • Validity beyond the registration date.
    • Exceptionally, they might accept the registration of students who are transitioning into graduate studies, as long as they have already been accepted in a graduate student programme at the time of the registration.

For more information, visit Graduate Institute Geneva.

International Day of Mathematics: Photo Challenge

Entry deadline: 14 March 2022 (23:59 pm CET)

High school and undergraduate students are invited to participate in a Photo Challenge in celebration of the International Day of Mathematics. By submitting a photograph that showcases mathematics in daily life, aligned with the theme ‘Mathematics Unites’, they could win a prize.


2022 Quantum Error Correction (QEC) Summer School

New York, USA  |  5 – 30 July 2022

This in-person school aims to give participants a working knowledge of QEC offered through a series of 10 mini-courses and invited talks from leading researchers in this field. Students pursing graduate degrees in Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics and Engineering are encouraged to apply.

Applications are invited and will be targeting 70 participants; the first round will be reviewed from 3 March. IBM will cover the costs of the school, accommodation and food, however, participants will need to cover their own travel and visa application costs.

Click to see participant requirements.

Bursaries from Gauteng City Region Academy (GCRA)

Application deadline: 28 February 2022

The GCRA has bursaries available for the 2022 academic year.


  • You must be a South African citizen
  • You must reside within the Gauteng province
  • You must be between 18 and 35 years old
  • You must have completed matric
  • Undergraduate students: you must be studying or have been accepted to study towards an undergraduate qualification at an accredited PSET institution (Post School Education and Training)
  • Postgraduate students: you must be studying or have been accepted to study towards a postgraduate qualification at an accredited institution of higher learning

Students who meet any of the following criteria will automatically qualify for a bursary, but must still apply online:

  • Top achievers at a Gauteng-based school
  • Top 3 learners from no-fee paying Gauteng-based school
  • Top 3 learners from a school in Gauteng for Learners with Special Education Needs (LSEN)


2nd Annual Open Size Prize

This is an award (with monetary value) for those who present the best open source solution for a quantum simulation problem pertaining the Heisenberg model for a three particle system on IBM Quantum’s 7 qubit Jarkata System.

Click for more information about the approaches that can be taken to solve this problem.

2021 Calls

MSc and PhD Bursaries in Artificial Intelligence, WITS
The Institute for Collider Particle Physics at WITS invites applications for MSc and PhD bursaries to work on applications of Machine Learning. These include projects in collaboration with IBM, York University and other international stakeholders.

Deadline for applications: 15 December 2021

SAAO: postdoctoral fellowships for 2022
The South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO) is inviting applications from suitably qualified candidates for five postdoctoral fellowships, commencing in 2022.

To be eligible for a fellowship, applicants must have been active in research since obtaining their doctoral degree. In the case of a break in research, an applicant must have obtained his/her doctoral degree on, or after, 30 September 2017. Also, successful applicants must be able to commence with their postdoctoral fellowships in South Africa on, or before, 1 October 2022.

Deadline for applications: 31 August 2021
CLICK FOR DETAILS | ENQUIRIES: Dr Mthuthuzeli Zamxaka (Call 011 268 3424 OR send an email)

UKZN inqubate |CSIR bursary programme: call for 2022 applications
The CSIR is inviting applications from students wishing to pursue a career in research, technology development and innovation as well as BCom/BTech Accounting or Risk Management to submit funding applications for their 2022 studies.

The CSIR Bursary Programme is open to academically qualifying young people and also aims to attract and increase participation of women and black people in science, engineering and technology. The bursary caters for full-time studies in specific qualifications at a public South African university for undergraduate (including honours), masters and doctoral degrees.

The CSIR offers a comprehensive bursary that covers all the costs associated with university studies, such as: tuition and registration fees, academic book allowance, accommodation, a once off laptop allowance and a living allowance.

Academic merit will be considered during the selection process, as well as the imperative to increase the participation of women and black people in science, engineering and technology.

Watch videos of current bursary recipients:

Deadline for applications: 31 July 2021

NRF Postgraduate Student Funding for 2022 Academic Year
The call for applications for bursaries for 2022 is open. We encourage our current and prospective students to please apply as soon as possible, doing so in the section “Grant Holder Linked Bursaries”. The UID code to be used for NITheCS is 65212.

Please send your “Reference Number” to Rene Kotze when you have completed your application. You are welcome to contact Rene if you have questions or need assistance with your application.

Deadline for applications: 31 December 2021

NRF Freestanding, Innovation and Scarce Skills (FISS) Fellowships for 2022
This is a direct Call by the NRF. Please refer to the Call documentation for the necessary info, and contact your NRF Designated Authority (DA) for your institution’s internal closing deadline.

NB: please use 65212 as our UID when applying for an NRF bursary.

NRF research grants for 2022
The call for NRF research grants for 2022 is now open. To view all available grants, and application documents, please visit the website here.

These include:

  • Black Academics Advancement Programme (BAAP)
  • Competitive Programme for Rated Researchers (CPRR)
  • Competitive Support for Unrated Researchers (CSUR)
  • New Generation of Academics Programme (nGAP)
  • Support for Y-rated Researchers
  • Thuthuka
  • Various Travel and Training Grants

DAAD in-region MSc and PhD scholarships
The DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) is offering scholarships for MSc and PhD degrees in mathematics at Stellenbosch University for studies commencing January 2022. These scholarships are for graduates and postgraduates from Sub-Saharan Africa, excluding South African students. Female applicants and candidates from less privileged regions or groups are encouraged to participate in the programme.

Deadline for applications: 18 May 2021  |  CLICK FOR DETAILS

Call for NRF Postgraduate Scholarships for 2021
The DSI and NRF have announced a call of new applications for NRF Postgraduate Student Funding for the 2021 Academic year.

Want to find out more? Click to contact us.