Communication skills for young scientists

Dear Associates and Friends of NITheCS,

We have been busy between the long weekends of the past month.

We are proud and humbled by the quality of the presentations at our colloquiums and mini-schools and the warm comments received from participants afterwards. Those reactions inspire us to keep the flow of interesting and useful events going.

Among others, we were delighted that the first Software Carpentry online training course for NITheCS was a big success. Participants learn basic research computing skills in this hands-on workshop and the next course takes place from 3 to 6 May. More about these workshops is available here.

Our math revision lessons for Grade 12 learners are continuing under the leadership of Dr Cerene Rathilal. The next dates are 5 May (Analytic Geometry), 19 May (Calculus – Part 1) and 2 June (Calculus – Part 2).

Our World Quantum Day special online celebrations were well attended. As a result of the discussions at the ‘What is Quantum?’ event, we are looking at even more ways to continue our work on explaining important scientific concepts.

As a partner in the FameLab 2022 international science communication competition, we are looking forward to the event on 10 and 11 May when the search will be on for the next ‘Science Pop Idol’. Entries have now closed, but more information about the event is available on our website. We will report on the results of the participants in our heat of the competition in our next edition.

Below we provide details of our current events and other topics of general interest.

Meanwhile, we appreciate the positive feedback on our newsletter and contributions received from the NITheCS community. May you all enjoy a good month of May!

Francesco Petruccione