Dear Associates and extended NITheCS family,
The IYBSSD (International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development) ends in June. Proclaimed by the UN and organised in partnership with UNESCO, it has been ‘a unique opportunity to convince all stakeholders that a basic understanding of nature will lead to more effective actions for the benefit of all.’
The last two NITheCS initiatives to celebrate the IYBSSD are a panel discussion on the importance of the basic sciences and an invitation to all our Associates, interns and bursary holders to showcase your views in an essay about the importance of the basic sciences. See here for details.
The training related to the DSI-NRF Postgraduate Student Funding for the 2024 Academic Year took place on 31 May. If you missed it, you can still find all the information and training online. Additional information about deadlines and related issues is available on the NRF website.
Our events in June include, among others:
- The NITheCS Mini-school ‘A short introduction to path integral approach to quantum mechanics and quantum field theory’ led by Dr Sunandan Gangopadhyay (S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, India). Wednesdays 7, 14, 21 & 28 June
- The NITheCS Colloquium ‘Black holes and nilmanifolds: quasinormal modes as the fingerprints of extra dimensions?’ presented by Prof Alan Cornell (University of Johannesburg) on 26 June.
Wishing you success in all your work during June towards the UN goal of ‘taking into account and mastering basic sciences to ensure a balanced, sustainable and inclusive development of the planet.’
Francesco Petruccione