A month of reports and reporting

Dear Associates and Friends of NITheCS,

February is our time for annual reports and the NITheCS team have been hard at work to finalise our reports to the National Research Foundation (NRF), the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) and our Annual Report. The latter will be available soon and we will alert you to the fact when it is ready for download.

I am also glad to report that the courses for the South African Theory and Computational School (SATACS) for 2022 have been announced. First known as the South African Theory School (SATS) in 2021, SATACS is a NITheCS initiative: a decentralised, semi-virtual, national teaching programme at postgraduate level, supplemented by bridging courses. I am particularly proud to be associated with these courses in view of our goal to provide teaching of the highest quality and at a level similar to that at elite postgraduate programmes around the world. We provide some information about the courses in an item in our February newsletter.

In the meanwhile, our events continue with interesting colloquia, and some details about these events are included in this month’s newsletter. You will find additional information on our website — including information on recent events here. We welcome suggestions about of potential speakers or topics for our colloquia, mini-schools and webinars: these are all excellent opportunities for our Associates to showcase their work and interact with others. To facilitate interaction, a virtual social gathering follows all webinars. René Kotze at info@nithecs.ac.za will assist to book a slot to lead one of our events.

Lastly, a reminder that we appreciate it when our Associates add a reference to their NITheCS affiliation in publications. Informing us about published papers also means that we can help to promote our Associates’ work through our social media and other communication.

Here’s hoping the rest of February will be productive and interesting for us all!

Best wishes,
Francesco Petruccione