A fresh start for a good year!

Dear Associates and Friends of NITheCS,

We hope that 2022 started well for everyone in our community and are looking forward to a productive year and activities that benefit us all.

Next week the Colloquia resume, kicking off with an exciting talk by Dr Samuel Egieyeh (UWC) on Bioinformatic, Chemoinformatic and Data Analytic Strategies for Drug Discovery and Development.

The 12th CHPC Introductory Programming School and the 4th NITheCS Summer School on the Foundations of Theoretical and Computational Sciences will be held from 31 January to 25 February. After introducing Linux and scientific programming in Python, the participants will learn about Mathematical Proofs, Earth Systems Modelling & Climate Change Modelling, Machine Learning for Bioacoustics, and Statistics using R.

More information about the Summer School can be found on our website.

In March, we will start our Mini-School series again. More information to follow.

A virtual social gathering follows all webinars, which has proven a great way to interact informally and induces new research collaborations.

We are also excited about the new Research Programmes of NITheCS and invite all associates to engage with them.

Once again, we remind our Associates to add the NITheCS affiliation to their publications and inform us about published papers they would like us to promote through our social media presence.

We welcome suggestions of potential speakers or topics for our colloquia, mini-schools and webinars. These are all excellent opportunities for associates to showcase their work and interact with others on the topics under discussion. Please e-mail René Kotze at info@nithecs.ac.za to book a slot for 2022.

Here is to a good year filled with exciting research and collaboration!

Best wishes,
Francesco Petruccione