Dear NITheCS community,
The 13th CHPC Coding Summer School & 5th NITheCS Summer School on the Foundations of Theoretical and Computational Science started on 30 January and will end on 10 February. Around 700 students from 26 universities are attending this flagship event. The school is jointly organised by the Centre for High Performance Computing (CHPC) and NITheCS.
The School introduces the students to Linux (Ubuntu) command line and bash scripting, and the Python programming language. This is followed by introductions to Foundations of Theoretical and Computational Sciences, with topics such as Symbolic Computation, Ordinary and Partial Differentia Equations, Stochastic Processes and Monte Carlo Methods, and Machine Learning.
First colloquium of 2023
The first colloquium of 2023 just took place. The colloquium of Prof Tommie Meyer (UCT) on ‘Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (in the age of Machine Learning)’ was held as a hybrid event in Stellenbosch. We would like to offer many more in-person events for people from various disciplines to meet one another and possibly start collaborating going forward.
The upcoming colloquium, ‘What are the Possible Near Field Structures One Can Define Over the Multiplicative Group of a Near Field?’ presented by Dr Leandro Boonzaaier (SU) and Dr Sophie Marques (SU), will take place on 13 February. It will also be presented as a hybrid event.
Next month will kick off with an international workshop, ‘Celebrating the Choi-Jamiołkowski Isomorphism’. NITheCS is organising the event, together with the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, and the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń (Poland). The event will take place online on 1 and 2 March.
We hope the rest of the year will bring us and the whole NITheCS family closer to fulfilling the ideals of the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development, which recognises ‘that basic sciences are vital to attain sustainable development and to improve the quality of life for people all over the world.’
Wishing you a productive February.
Francesco Petruccione